Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Tie? I Think Not!!!

Licking Your Own Pussy:

Seems to be a bit of a tie. BUT - I believe in the darkness of one's bedroom, more women would lick just once... just a quick lick.

Oh Brother:

I hung out with The Brother on Sunday (for the newcomers, The Brother is my last boyfriend, since I’m UN-PC, he’s titled The Brother because he’s black). He works next door to me, so I do see him about once a week, and we hang out every other week (I’m super mature, so I can hang out w/ my exes, hahaha). He has this new girlfriend who also works next door. It seems like he’s with her to just be with someone… which is, of course, totally LAME.

When we were hanging out, I remembered how much we have in common. And I wonder how in the world things didn’t work out?!?! And then I realize, it probably has something to do with the fact that I’m INSANE. PSYCHOTIC. But then of course, I could just be bored. Hm. But I do see other people and how little they have in common and how good they are at making things work. Or not so good at making things work, but they stay together because they’re committed. I mean, some people are just good at relationships. Some people are like, “let’s go to couples counseling.” I’m like, “if we have to go to counseling, this isn’t working, so fuck-off.” And I’m so bad – bad –bad.

What the fuck do I expect? How could it have really been better? I know I had a problem with his schedule, but now he’s only in one band versus 4.

Oh well. He’s with someone else. Hm. It’s the “there’s no one else, so I go for the last person I was with” Factor.

Shout Out:

Shout out to all my girls that have picked up the music pieces... I sooooo appreciate y'all getting into (or at least acting like you're into) my music. And Green Eyes, yeay for Damien Rice in June!!!


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

Was that "I can hang out with my exes so I'm mature" a jab at me?!?!

I don't think the relationship with you and brother didn't work out because you are 'psychotic'. It didn't work out because he couldn't give you what you needed from a man. That's all.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger MissCurious said...

Jackie-O, no no no... i thought you might think that... hahaha... it's a jab at myself -- truth being i'm NOT mature... thanks for the words... you're right -- he couldn't give me what i wanted... but is that then - and maybe now w/ his better schedule it'd be different? guess i won't know... hmm... then again, he can't really take my bite -- my sarcastic bite, that is.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

I would say that why would you even want to know if he can now. I see it this way . . . He didn't appreciate you enough to change his schedule then and apparently he appreciates his new gal enough to do so now.

That would make me want him less.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger MissCurious said...

well, at the tail end of our relationship he started getting out of the other bands... i, however, am completely impatient and was already on my way out... he kept telling me it would get better and he did have more time, but again, i was over it... because i look for any reason to leave a relationship.

i'm just not good at them. and i really do believe that some people are good at them. they're good at committing at least despite differences / annoyances, etc. like i said about the counseling thing --- if me and a guy need counseling, i'm OUT -- but people always stay.

i'm a disaster! hahaha!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger kellyd said...

Right on GreenEyes ... no sex is a big time dealbreaker. The older i get, the more I think relationships are about one thing - O.P.S. (other people's shit). The question is: are you willing to put up with other OPS? Can you put up with OPS? Is this person worth OPS? If the answer is no, it's fine to get out, it doesn't make you crazy, it makes you sane. I've heard that if you're in "love" you are willing to deal with OPS - but then what is love, other than socially sanctioned insanity?

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

LOVE = Socially Sanctioned Insanity

I like that definition.


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