Monday, June 20, 2005

Scared Shitless.

I became well acquainted with my carpet this weekend. First my knees got to know it rather intimately, and then my back was soon to follow. The carpet left strong impressions on both body parts as I was being slammed into it by The Brother. After hours of bed-top romping, I was making my way to the bathroom when I got pinned to the wall and the relationship with the carpet soon began.

With reckless abandon, the sex has begun.

I called my Grandma this weekend, Grandma B, the reason I can grab good ass and cuss in Spanish. After mentioning I was now dating someone, she gave me some advice, “Miss Curious, just be sure you hold out to….. kiss him.”

Hold out to KISS him???!?!?! “Of course Grandma, of course.” Are you kidding me?!?! Wow. Little does she know I only held out from carpet and bed banging because it was that time of the month. Crazy times. Am I going to hell? If I am, I’m not going without some serious rug burns.
Aside from the sex, I still can’t believe how smitten I am with this beautiful man. Sadness is easy, but happiness is fucking scary. With this man, I am so fucking scared. Everything just “fits” with him. So I sit here waiting for something to fall, and I am trying my hardest to not provoke disaster as some self-fulfilling prophecy bullshit. I just need to embrace this man and realize that I can have him and my friends and my job and my family and maybe even happiness.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

Even you deserve Happiness. Hold on as long as you can.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh isn't is tough when things are good and they look like they can be good? Not to worry though, there is always something that we can find to continue the drama and the angst. But really - if this is looking good and healthy and all that (and the sex is obviously HOT) then just breath out and take it all in, sista. It's ok to be happy! Seriously - and life will still throw some shit at you from other directions ;)!!
I'm happy for you lady! Let's go out with our boys soon - hee hee.


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