Friday, December 16, 2005

One of Life's Great Mysteries (in the world of Male vs. FeMale

Checking my phone one last time for messages, I ran across the street to greet my awaiting friends. After some hugs and hello’s, we wandered into the coffee shop. When I saw the little Mission Hipsters with their vintage shirts and “my hair really falls into these spikes” hair, I was suddenly glad I wore my 1 dollar black polyester shirt from high school.

We caught up with your standard fuck and cock talk…Typically when I hear of friends talk about getting poked regularly, I make mental notes to go out and fuck soon… but this time, I was happy just talking about it and not feeling like I needed a good pussy licking.

And as Sigur Ros shook the room, I couldn’t help but glance at my purse wondering if the shaking was really the vibration of my phone and that when I left here there would be a message from Tricked You waiting for me.

We got up to leave, and I didn’t want the girls to see me check my phone, so I walked with them knowing that as soon as we parted, I’d quickly check. 22nd Street, 21st, 20th, and finally 19th Street. Each block seemed to take forever. I said one good-bye there and walked with the other. This meant I’d have to wait until I reached my gate to check.

No such luck there either… we saw piece of furniture on the street that I thought would look nice in my apartment. Now my hands were full, and I had to wait until I got into my casa, took off my coat, and then unzipped my purse….

NOTHING. No messages. Just the questions of “what’s too early to call?” and “what’s too late to call?” and “why the fuck do I even care?”

A half hour later I was lying on my stomach sporting my hot pink sweat-shirt nightgown with “Morning People Should Be Shot” emblazoned on the front, my iPod blasting the embittered Tori Amos, and I was thumbing through a holiday Pottery Barn Catalogue. What have I become?

But anyway, I was worried I might not hear the phone over Tori Amos slurring “I’ve got an angry snatch,” so I kept checking the phone. 10:12… and then 10:13… and then I thought, “oh my god… oh my god… I checked the phone just ONE fucking minute ago… what’s wrong with me?!?!”

And then… I checked it again!!! Still 10:13 pm. Oh MY GOD!?!?!? I’m fucking PATHETIC!!!!

Needless to say, there was NO phone call. And again be reminded, that the first time he got my number, I had forgotten I even gave it to him… I never even looked at the phone…

This Is How Things Should Have Gone Down w/ Tricked You:

After agreeing to my “experiment” of being my 2nd MySpace date before the end of the year, I gave him my number. I received no phone call and no emails. I thought, hm, well that was that… no worries on my end. It was fun for a couple blog posts… and now onto something new, right!??!!

This is where Tricked You should have just said, oh well, I just don’t have time…. And then never called and never emailed. That would’ve been just fine with me.

But it doesn’t happen that way, Tricked You does initiate more contact and does ask what my plans are for the weekend and does say he wants to go out then… and this is where I don’t understand men AT ALL.

Here It Is… The Point Where I Just Can’t Seem to Connect the Dots:
(a less nebulous example)

You’re at a bar… you’re talking to a guy all night, and he actually seems kinda’ cool for a ‘guy at a bar.’ Then you say, “Hey I’m heading home. It was nice meeting you. I’ll see you later.”

Then you TURN AROUND and start WALKING AWAY… he stops you, “Hey wait, can I get your number and call you sometime?”

You concede. And what does he do in the coming weeks? Rather, what doesn’t he do in the coming weeks? HE DOESN’T CALL!!!

So why men, why?? Why do you say you’re going to call and seem excited and then never follow through?

Sometimes I care and sometimes I don’t. It’s just a mystery that I’d like to solve. I’d like to just know WHY? I mean c’mon, I’m MISS CURIOUS… and am just curious senors.


At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bg, the reason is b/c when we don't, we know you'll be checking your phone every minute...and if we did, you'd say that we're too eager and not a challenge...

At 6:20 PM, Blogger MissCurious said...

i understand your reasoning completely... BUT - i'm talking about a guy who NEVER ends up calling altogether...not someone who makes us wait 7-14 days giving us that challenge / appearing to not be eager, etc... but just plain and simple says he wants to hang out - initiates the telephone number exchange, but them BAM - never fucking calls. :)
explain that malenky ;)
your fav,
BG aka Miss Curious

At 6:49 PM, Blogger kellyd said...

BG and Malenky - you are both right. We do contribute to the situation with our inconsistent messaging but I for one never give my (actual) number to someone who I don't want to hear from. So why, dear malenky, why?

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kd, why do girls give out the wrong number instead of saying no or not calling back when he calls? plain and simple on both: some people love to boost their ego by "playing" with people or leading them on, gives them a boost and makes them feel good. as guy who's been on the recieving of it, and you have seen this and know it's true, it sucks, but it happens and we live with it. i guess, though, once we get older it changes and people more into finding the true person instead of playing games...hopefully we don't get too jaded by then!

At 1:39 PM, Blogger kellyd said...

We all hope that malenky - but as a person who has been on the recieving end of a verbal assault from someone I refused to give my number to, I made a conscious decision to avoid the confrontation in the future and go along with the "game" on this one.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger chicajato said...

dude - the not calling really sucks after you bone the guy


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