Thursday, December 01, 2005

All I Can Say...

All I can say is that I should have studied for my Real Estate exam... hahaha. It didn't seem like such a hard test -- if you've read the material. I'll let y'all know next week the final verdict on that test score. Luckily, there are no penalties for taking it again - and again - and again!

MySpace Update:

Or better yet... MySpace Lack of Update... no movement on the Tricked You front. I'm not particularly inspired to move nor does he seem to be... I'm tapped out of homeless and retard-talk... AND fuck... as I said before, I'm just sooo not feelin' like puttin' the ass out there right now. I have just about as much motivation for dating as I do for studying. Yeah, not much.

Hmm... and it's the Holiday Season.... keeps the mind occupied on better things like shopping for myself... and sometimes for others :)

Merry Stoner Christmas:

I'm staying in SF for X-mas this year... my ex-wife Midge and I have decided to have "Stoner" Christmas together. Such a holiday entails the usual frills-
1. Christmas Pajamas - to be worn at all times
2. Christmas Cookes - they'll be the Best Ever this year... being stoned will do that
3. Christmas Movies - round the clock, to be watched in X-Mas PJ's while eating X-mas cookies

Needless to say, good times will be had.

Updates on a BROTHERLY front: (this text is in Black for a reason)

And oooh... went to dinner with The Brother last night. I took him out for a belated birthday. I 100% feel like he's not just a good "guy" friend... BUT, I oddly feel like he's a "girl" friend.... like a girly-girl friend, hahahaha.

And oooh... Another Brother... gave Another Brother my telephone number while under the influence of Stella Artois last weekend. In the elevator on my way back to the bar, I started talking to These Brothers. If you hadn't already noticed (a. you're fucking slow), I'm pretty fucking chatty and wild when I drink (b. normally as well).... but anyway, I start talking about how Brothers love my ass. Then I came up with the great idea of having These Brothers touch my ass.... just to see how great it was. They reluctanctly (yeah right) agreed. After telling me that it indeed was lovely, the Another Brother got my number.

When I got home that evening, I had a voicemail ALREADY from the Another Brother. Another Brother called, "just to see if he had the right number."

Okay - okay - okay... this "just to see if I had the right number" has happened to me before. Another Brother my message to you:

a) thank you for calling me that same night; now I know what number not to answer
b) there is such a thing as "missed calls", so I can see that you've called 4 times today

But anyway... let the onslaught of Christmas parties begin... Red Hot Thighs I'll see you tomorrow!


At 11:12 AM, Blogger jen said... many brothers are there?

At 12:55 PM, Blogger chicajato said...

dude your ass is hot! I can;t believe you had them touch it!!!


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