Monday, November 28, 2005

I'm a Quitter Baby, So Why Don't You Kill Me?

I've decided to resign from the quest for a second date before the New Year. Although I have all this time at work to surf MySpace for potential dates, none of them excite me... nor do I really feel like putting myself out there. One has to be ready for that kinda' thing.

I really just like being alone right now. Sure I have my moments of "loneliness creeping in," but there's just something comforting in such feelings. Right now, I have complete control over my moods... I'm not waiting by the phone or playing guessing games or going psycho or a million other things. I'm just Miss Curious doing her little Miss Curious things. I'm enjoying my cozy covers and queen bed that I don't have to share with anyone... I don't have to roll over and think "fuck you for being able to fall asleep when I totally can't."

There you have it... my declaration to the world of the Blog... I am resigning from the deal - no more dates for me... not until it feels natural and like there's no pressure (i put solely upon my own dumbass self)... yup, not until then. Sorry that I'm such a quitter. Quitting just something I do. I have to be consistent with my Quitting behavior... I wouldn't want to disappoint and actually follow through with something I say I'm going to do.... what's the fun in that?


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy late Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you in my life :)
And like your new pic on the blog.
xoxo Linz

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about calling it "re-assessing" instead of quitting?

We are always so hard on ourselves... what you are doing, taking time for yourself, sounds like the right thing.

And when you decide it's not the right thing, it will be the right decision as well....

At 8:58 AM, Blogger jen said...

I just want to say how much I missed reading your blog over the holidays. You have a real talent for writing- screw the real estate exam and pen your memoirs already.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger MissCurious said...


great advice... i like your choice of words "re-assess"... and yeah, i have to stop being so hard on myself... and stop over-analyzing everything and just try-try-try my hardest to let things happen naturally.


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