Monday, November 28, 2005

Tricked Me!

Thanksgiving. Busy. Grandpa Frank was on his best behavior... didn't tell my sister, "where've you been eating? the dining hall?... don't worry, you'll lose that baby fat." My younger sister is a size 5 and 5 ft 5 inches. Whatever Grandpa Frank.

MySpace: FuckSpace: HateSpace:

So, Tricked You hasn't emailed back. We had our entertaining little banter... my last email to him addressed whatever questions he'd had, and now he totally hasn't replied. That was last Tuesday. Granted, the holidays naturally would delay a response. I mean my last login was Wednesday. But, he's read my reply (for those of you who don't know - MySpace allows you to see whether your email has been read).... and he still hasn't sent me another message.

Now I feel like a complete dork. So nothing new really. But I'm starting to think I might not get that second date in before the end of the year. I've perused MySpace a few times and haven't really found anyone worth emailing. The only two were MySpace Guy that turned into No Second Date Guy and Tricked You... but anyway...

GreenEyes is totally kicking my ass in the dating department. Saturday night we went out with a group of oh, like 8 guys and they just love them some GreenEyes... she scored a potential date on that one... and then, she had date last night. Basically, she's got 2 dates in the bag. Fuck-fuck-fuck.

Well, I'm a little unconventional, shall we say? I'm not for everyone. Or a lotta' people, really. Well, shit. Okay-okay-okay, I'll email one more guy and give that a try... but if no luck, then it wasn't because I didn't totally try, right? I mean, I've tried.

Uh. Ughl. Err. Argh!

Real Estate Exam:

I can tell you what I didn't do over the holiday -- Study for my test that's this Wednesday. I totally dropped the ball. Practice test, right? Yeah, totally. It's one of those exams that people take a semester course on or at least a crash course... but dumbass Miss Curious realizes that she's completely forgotten how to study and has no motivation and is basically dead meat. On her pre-pretend-study practice test, she got a 56%. That means F. A good solid F. I know that this is one of those tests that's impossible to pass if you haven't studied, but fuck. But fuck... butt fuck? Ahh, the life of my new found loser. :)

Trent Reznor please come and get me!


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