Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bus Number 5

Second post of the day… I have to write because my cubie-mate / best bud isn’t here to listen to my story!

When I was living in my previous residence, I would occasionally take bus number 5. At times I would see this beautiful – beautiful boy. One of those boys you just want to stare at all day long. He has these brown little curls, a smooth pale complexion, and bright blue eyes. His style is that camouflage green jacket (not coat) with worn jeans look. He carries himself as though he has no idea how beautiful he truly is. Once I saw him at the UPS store next door. Of course, I couldn’t help but grin one of those upper-teeth smiles. He, hm, surprise hasn’t noticed me.

The other day I went back to my old ‘hood and again saw him on the bus. When he got off at his stop, Divisadero, I know this is his stop because I hate knowing we’re almost there and I can’t stare at him anymore… my eyes of course followed him across the street… god, I’m psychotic!!! Anyways, after he got off, I decided to play out a very detailed fantasy in my head.

Knowing that I was going to Delirium last Saturday night, the fantasy began there. Alcohol would be flowing like chocolate milk in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. We’d meet eyes, and he’d say some clichéd line, “hey there, we ride the same bus.” I’d be like, “you ride the 5 too?” (playing it cool)… “I thought you looked familiar,” I’d add as to not make him feel self-conscious and me oblivious. A light banter would ensue… after a few more drinks, we’d make our way to the dance floor. He’d whip-out some hot goofy moves – he’d be a white boy who could actually dance (c’mon this is my fantasy afterall!)… we’d get closer and closer until we could feel our hot breath mingling. And we all know what would happen next. Of course, the fantasy ends with some super unrealistic successful relationship.

Anyways, I’ve never seen him aside from the bus and the UPS store… never out on the town… I have no idea what neighborhood he hangs in, etc. Sooooo, that Saturday night rolls around, and who do I bump into at the bar????!!?!? Yup, my Beautiful Boy (BB)!!!! Naturally, neither of us says a word… and oh, I had the new blond hair… not that he ever noticed me anyway. And, he might be gay, shit! BUT, just now, I bumped into him again… I caught him looking at me… for the 1st time. Weird. I was completely excited, which is why I’m writing this now.

Right now, there are many unanswered questions: Is he Gay? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he like poor dye jobs and freckles?

And then we have the “love from afar”… reality never matching the fantasy in your head. Do I want to know the answers? Or do I want to hang on to my lil’ fantasies? I suppose I don’t have much choice, so fantasy-dom it is. Unless the fates prove otherwise!


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Ambee said...

What the eff is that comment?

Anyway, we'll just have to go back to delirium soon. Without the chain smoking of course!

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY - I love those dream guys...

Mine was MIchael Vartan - dreaming that he would spot me from the salad bar line and then come over and ask me to go to an awards show with him...BUT instead i think he caught me staring at him like an idiot!

Isn't it weird how close these guys can be but yet so far away!


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who doesn't like freckles and bad dye jobs? I bet you could easily find a bad dye job / freckle face fetish club, somewhere in your new neighborhood. Have you even looked, April??

At 4:01 PM, Blogger chicajato said...

how exciting! go BB!


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