Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Celebrity Obsession.

Celebrity idolatry is for teens. Then why is it that I have to do everything in my power to stop myself from plastering my wall in Trent Reznor posters? I thought my days were over as an obsessive fan… thought it had ended when Billy Corgan (of the Smashing Pumpkins) and I didn’t get married on my eighteenth birthday.

But now here I am again, 8 years later google’ing everything I can possibly find on Trent Reznor… now, I’ve read hundreds of interviews, and I’m in love. They say he’s lonely, and he cries after shows… and all I want to do is rescue him and have him rescue me. And wow, what archaic forms of love – that whole rescue bit.

Anyways, to let you know how ridiculous I really am… I look for things in his interviews to hold onto – some reason it might not work with the two of us (as if we really had a chance) – for instance, he wants to act at some point. Lame. Please Trent, leave the acting to the Paris Hilton’s of the world. Secondly, he’s not into smoking weed… not that I’m a huge smoker, but I like it on occasion. Sooo, you see, I hold onto these paltry quirks of his as to not ruin my real life with my fantasies…

And how interesting it is that I have this acute self-awareness… that here I am a young adult who recognizes her delusions and her masochistic ways… and I live my life watching myself fall into these fantasies and watching myself go after boys I know aren’t for me (if I had them, wouldn’t want ‘em), just so I can feel the pain of longing, of unrequited love, and blah fucking blah blah blah.

Man, I’m nuts, and some days I’d like to be normal (again, whatever that is)… but most of the time, this is okay. I have faith that one day I will replace Trent Reznor with someone real… and that real person won’t want to act and will smoke weed.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you'll find Mr. Perfect in Vegas!
Hee hee.

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that feeling of being totally obsessed with someone you can never have. I can't remember who I did that with, but I totally remember googling him and everything. I think these things are good for us in the way it keeps our creative minds working and a fantasy life is a good thing for a lady. Boys get to have fantasies all the time right? The only thing is that fantasies don't talk back to us and they don't hug and kiss and sleep with us. Damn them for not doing all that. I've been finding out a hell of a lot about why I've been going after the worst boys for me in my therapy. Wanna join me - it's fun!! :)

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

you're crazy



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