Thursday, April 07, 2005

On the Hunt, and Not for Boys

Miss Curious is not only clinically insane, she is without doubt, clinically retarded as well. Life being clinically retarded isn’t easy. One may think it is, but it’s not. I can assure you. Now that I’m getting the boot from my casa, I’ve begun the hunt for a new place. Being completely retarded makes the search, oh, a bit more difficult. Hm, funny.

Last night, I found the perfect place. Great location, in the heart of the Mission, huge room, huge flat, lots of character, super cool potential roommates (2 lovely ladies), tons of closet space, superfluous light, and the price, you wouldn’t even believe it. But what does Apretard do? In trying to sell what a fabulous roommate she’d be, she fumbles all over her words… contradicts herself, “I love salad… and oh I hate vegetables.” Okay, not like that exactly, but you get the idea.

Anyways, I thought the interview went okay, but today, they re-posted the listing… they’re doing interviews until next week, but would they have reposted if they dug me? No jway jose!?! Argh! Maybe they want to be sure they've interviewed enough peeps before deciding, who knows?!?!! This house-hunting thing, granted I’ve only seen 2 places, is a DRAG. I shouldn’t complain… it’s all just so odd though… I mean c’mon, I give an okay first impression? Okay, well maybe I’m not for everyone. (insert some cliché here)


At 1:11 PM, Blogger Krikri said...

I felt the same way when I was looking for a place in Manhattan. I would go in there all "I'm so rad, I'm the best roommate ever" and then just get REJECTED every time! I saw like, several places where I never heard back from the people. But then! Then I finally found the best apartment ever. Moral: First of all, you *are* rad and anyone would be *lucky* to have you as a roommate! So hang in there, Apee.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger chicajato said...

I hate roommate hunting. I got rejected by some lame ass frat boys from like USC! BUT I have ended up in some great situations so no giving up!


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