Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I Can't Lose

The past four Diet Cokes that I've purchased have all been winners, "You Win 1-Liter, Coke Product." They say 1 in 6 wins, and believe me I've been drinkin'. It hasn't been until this weekend and week that everyone I open is finally a winner. So, Miss Curious, is going to take this winning streak and remind herself that she's a fucking winner... no more of this, "I'm pathetic, no boys like me crap..." C'mon now, I'm RAD... so RAD that I keep winning FREE Diet Cokes... and when I stop winning FREE Diet Cokes, I'm still going to be RAD. I'm so RAD!!! RAD-RAD-RAD!
Thank you very much folks... you can get your cd's at the door... 1 in 6 wins an "i'm rad" t-shirt.


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Size Medium t-shirt for me please. But I want mine to say "Apee is RAD" because you are and need to remember that, always! Don't let a Stupid Boy make you lose sight of that.
xoxo Linz
P.S. Did you ever watch that movie "Rad" when you were a kid? I was obsessed with it.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 12:03 PM, Blogger Krikri said...

It is SO important to remind yourself of your radness and have others remind you as well.
Apee is a big RAD winner!
Dude if you say RAD too much (even in your head) it starts to sound weird.

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aprad -
Let me just tell you that I so understand your thinking. And it sucks because I have only had to think like this for a few months - what up with that?! Boys really are stupid! I know that it might sound lame, but I really liked that damn book "He's Just Not That Into You." Even though we know all the shit in there, it's good to reaffirm all the same shit.
So the Rad theme (and Deitz - I agree that it does sound weird) is totally essential!! We are all rad ladies and no boy is worth us feeling less than that!!

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fair ... there are disproportionatley less winners on the East coast - this is a fact. There are also less 'rad' people like April, but we struggle along anyway.


At 8:58 AM, Blogger MissCurious said...

you all are soo RAD thanks for the comments!

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rad is an AWESOME movie!!


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