Friday, September 09, 2005

God's An Asshole!

Why couldn’t God just have made me perfect? I’ve heard all the excuses that people come up with as to why we wouldn’t even want to be perfect, but I don’t buy those excuses. I want to be perfect, so fuck you God for making me a raging lunatic.

I wish nothing bothered me, that no one could do anything that affected me or if it did I had the perfect way of handling things… I wish that I didn’t hate people and they didn’t hate me…. I mean wow, it doesn’t take much to get someone to dislike you or to dislike someone… and then what? You have to prove yourself a million times over to be liked again? That just fucking sucks!

I want no hassles, no issues… just peace and quiet… fucking la la la land… I don’t need to have bullshit like, “what doesn’t kill you – makes you stronger!” Fuck that! Who came up with that? Why the fuck do we need to be strong? I’ll tell you why – because other people are assholes and we need to be strong to put up with their bullshit for the rest of our lives… and I’m an asshole… Everyone’s an asshole… why can’t everyone just be perfect and sing Kumbaya all fucking day? I hate altercations, annoyances (like on the bus, walking down the street, breathing)… and don’t tell me things would be boring if they were perfect… no fucking way, they’d be happy times all the time… utopia.. bliss… and everyone’s liberal and Bush’s don’t exist… I hate the rules of the game… next time God, don’t be such an asshole and make me and the world fucking perfect as shit!!!!!


At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear MC - what brought on this venting session today? Anything you care to describe? I'm pretty much in agreement with you on this stuff for sure!
Take a nice deep breath though. It is Friday and that is a good thing.

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have really nice friends.

That doesn't make up for god being an asshole.

Sorry ...

At 1:34 PM, Blogger MissCurious said...


i'm just very affected by people, and i wish i could just be mellow and let things always roll off my back... when i bicker w/ friends, i can't stand it... until we make up, it's heavy on the heart.... and then a day ago I accidentally found out that someone wasn't too fond of me (how could that be?!?! haha), and i was bummed -- i try really hard to be nice to folks -- because i really do care -- but in the end, i say the wrong things or do the wrong things -- and i just wish i didn't. i also kinda figure that it should be really easy, but it just doesn't seem to be. blah, oh well... guess i can just do my best. hmmmm.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger MissCurious said...

other anonymous -- you're right... i do have very nice friends... that's why i care and want to do everything right... but i'm a fucking numbskull (is that how that word's spelled?) that i fuck up... hahaha! Again, i should come with a warning sign :)

At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you know - we're only human and we do screw up. And all you can do is apologize and truly try to understand why you did whatever and learn from it. It takes two as well so I'm sure there's something on the other end going on too.
I hate when I find out that someone doesn't like me. I don't like that feeling one bit. But you know - you are totally yourself and you don't feel the need to be fake for anyone's sake and that is a very admirable trait. Don't change that and seriously - it really is that other person's loss for not getting to know you.
Take a breath and another and try to let some of the yucky feelings go. It does no good for you to feel upset and it doesn't change anything. Hang in there my dear :)
xo - Lynz

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:45 PM, Blogger chicajato said...

umm yeah miss curious - blasphemer...who the hell posted that?! whatever yo - love you and your vents. life and all it's annoyances suck - what can you do?

At 11:14 AM, Blogger MissCurious said...

i am a blasphemist :)... i wouldn't have it any other way!


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