Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Must Love Sweat, Spit, and Ass.

During the courtship period, I have a set of ‘deal breakers’. In my older age, the list has significantly diminished, rather instead of being ‘deal breakers’ the majority of them have turned into ‘strikes’ against him. The standard questions and preferred answers or interpretations:

1. How do you feel about homosexuals?
Love them.
2. Do you drive standard or automatic?
Standard. (this denotes masculinity. Control of his own destiny.)
3. Have you ever cheated?
If yes, how old and under what circumstance? And you’re an ass.
4. Do you LOVE eating pussy?
Yes. Love the juice dripping down my chin.
5. How do you feel about sweat, spit, and ass?
Love, love, and love.
6. How many sexual partners have you had?
A lot. (this figure must be higher than my number, but under 70)

This brings us to number 6, a situational question. “If we were at a bar and man comes up behind me and gropes me, how do you handle the situation?”

I want him to say that he’ll get pissed and give the guy a push and shove and yell and pull me close to him, and if need be, slug the guy. Of course these are irrational responses and no good could potentially come from them, but I would feel vindicated. I would feel protected and secured and loved.

After seeing Four Brothers last night with The Brother, we discussed what we’d do if someone harmed the other or a family member or a good friend. I have extreme responses. I have a temper. I am my real father’s daughter. I have some rage in my blood. I like thinking a man would turn protective. Get pissed when I get pissed. Having that type of personality doesn’t mean he’ll always fly off the handle. I’ve definitely dated men where they answered the question as I’d hoped, and I got just a general protective (sweet and comforting protective) vibe not a ‘oh fuck is he going to mad about this and that’ vibe.

Well, in the nature of relationships, most men won’t live up to my unrealistic expectations, surprise, but I can separate the “dividing differences” from the “well, I’d prefer if he drove stick” differences. I do, however, have to learn that I can’t jump down someone’s fucking throat if he says he wouldn’t start a bar fight in my honor. Hm, funny.


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just having this conversation today with my coworker about how we end up actually wanting to change the person we're with. And also wondering if it's possible to really ever be satisfied with our significant other and not hoping for something or wishing for something all the time. The courthship period is fun and tough at the same time b/c we want this person to be all that we hope for.
But they never are and we can only look at what drew us to them in the first place and focus on the good and not what we wish they were like.
How are things with you two now??
Updates on the doubts please :)...

At 5:38 PM, Blogger MissCurious said...

Your comments are all very-very true. I've certainly come to realize those things over the years... i do hit bumps here and there where i want a guy to be something completely unrealistic and unimportant in the scheme of things... but as i've gotten older, had more experience dating, i can finally recognize that i shouldn't hold onto these petty little differences... that ultimately, like you said, we have to look at what drew us to that person - what big things / real things / important things that he has.
as for the "doubts", he has swiftly moved on... things are going very very well; however, i thought they were going very very well last week when he dished out this 'doubt' thing... but i like him enough to put myself on the line... relationships are soooo unpredictable... soooo crazy. but worth it when they work! thanks again lynz!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger chicajato said...

I would knock some girl out for you baby


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