Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Here are me and LaSassy last Halloween… LaSassy dressed as her LaSassy-self… and do believe your eyes – I am that apparition to the right of her… yup, my good ol’ fashioned lazy costume idea, a sheet with 2 holes.

Clearly, I’m still alive today. The White Trash KOIT Bandits briefly woke me up at 4 am with country music this time. Traitors to the Lite Rock, Less Talk. But anyway, I was lying there thinking, “you motherfuckers, keep playing that music because I’m coming out there,” but they didn’t. They stopped it after about 3 minutes. And I fell back asleep.

Well, now I’m off for 5 days to visit the lil’ sis in Connecticut, where yes, I plan to find some hottie Yale grad student to fund my year long jaunts to 3rd world countries and give me back massages and buy me diet cokes… and sure I’ll give him blow jobs here and there. Hahaha!

So everyone, have a Happy Halloween…. And miss me until the trip recap on Tuesday, November 1st! Posted by Picasa


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Ambee said...

And here i thought I was all alone in that picture - and that strange ghostly figure appeared next to me.

I love it - that was a great night.

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great time! And I hear you on that annoying "dentist office" music - my sister was once going through a similar stage and I kept thinking I was going to kill myself - death by Phil Collins.
xoxo Linz


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