Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Year's Resolution

Why wait for Christmas to be over when you can make your New Year's Resolution now? I mean the New Year's plans are in tact (well, sorta), so I've been thinking long and hard about what I'm going to do in the New Year. Last year, it was something like quit smoking and educate myself in the history of man or some stupid shit like that. And then, I always think I should be nicer to people and more understanding and patient, but that's usually thrown out the door New Year's Eve itself. So fuck me.

This year, I was thinking I should volunteer for human rights or be a big sister to some kid in some bad neighborhood like my own.

But then I thought, I should just be selfish... like always... and do something I can really follow through with... so here it is:

This year Miss Curious is going to add more color to her wardrobe... enough of the black, I've gotta branch out... it's going to be hard, but I think I can give it a good go! Hahahaha! I love being a big fat punkass bitch!

Romance Novels:

I have all these friends that discuss the latest intellectual novels, and I sit back feeling somewhat guilty and I don't participate in the conversation whatsoever. I know I've mentioned this before, but as of late my addiction has worsened...

It's true. I am officially-whole-heartedly addicted to Cheesey Romance Novels with no intellectual / thought provoking value at all. Judith McNaught is my drug of choice, and she just can't print her books fast enough for me. I read through them in day or two. I clench my teeth and squeal at the wit and charm of her characters... they're all the same of course -- the strong intelligent woman who challenges the dark mysterious guarded man -- makes him fall madly in love with her... and they go through these battles of loving and hating one another. And I wonder at what point will they actually get together... when will they overcome their stubborn behaviour and profess their undying love for one another.

I tell ya' Movies and Romance Novels have done me in... and I ask where the bitter-cynical Miss Curious has gone... and I try to give off such impressions of nonchalance, but really - really I'm such a gushing silly hopeless romantic. Well, fuck me.


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