Tuesday, May 02, 2006


CSI – do they have this show for like every fucking city in the United States??? I mean, when are they going to have CSI – Miss Curious’ farming town w/ people getting murder in the avocado groves and farm equipment “accidents”… that’d be good. I think I should write them.

AMERICAN IDOL – not so impressed w/ the idols this year. I do love me some Katharine McPhee though… BUT BUT BUT she’s almost too Kelly Clarkson. Ace – glad he’s gone… he’d be cute 10 years from now. Pickler – I’d like to say I’m above dumb blond… but her dumb blond really worked for me… won me over in fact… but she can’t sing (I’m the authority on this too). Everyone else, just not doin’ it for me.

COMMERCIALS – is it just me or are there a whole lotta’ commercials that have one person walking or driving down the street and people start following him or her until it’s this huge group… like some guy with pepsi and chick after chick start following him or a guy with burger king and all the guys following him… or that one with all the cars and trucks driving over buildings to get to whatever.

MySpace – So I totally requested Elefant, one of my favorite bands, to add me to their MySpace friends… for those of who aren’t savvy with MySpace, if you request a band, they always say Yes… they want the exposure to as many folks as they can… I have Nine Inch Nails, Tori Amos, and Jeff Buckley… who have all added me. But OH NO, Elefant is a “pending friend request” and has been for like 5 days, FUCK THAT! HAHAHA!… sure it’s not a big deal, but Miss Curious isn’t Miss Curious without getting all pissed about everything. So, I’m pissed. Fuck them. I’m not listening to them until they fucking add me. Or until I get over it because I find myself more pissed about something else and forget about the whole ordeal.

And oooh, for those of you interested in expanding your music knowledge, check out WOXY.COM and listen to their live stream... they also show who's playing, just be sure to refresh... you can do this in any state and/or country! It's like any radio station like some / hate some.


At 3:02 PM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

just wanted to drop in and say sorry for bailing on Saturday night. We ended up staying in the whole night vegging. I'm so lame. Eh.


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