Friday, February 23, 2007

Tired From the Weekend Before the Weekend

This weekend is in classic Curious style... pretty busy.

Tonight Chicajato and I are off to Great American Music Hall to see a band... The Nice Guy is actually going with us. He really is NICE, but seriously, there's just no way... It is kinda' a "too bad," 'cuz he's just so NICE.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm streaking my hair w/ bright red streaks (against my jet black current color)... and then I'm off to some crazy loft party with some crazy LA DJ... a friend of mine's throwing it... she bought 4 outfits for the damn thing. Kinda' sweet. She's clearly stoked.

That's the loft next to 5th Paragraph's loft. She said she invited all her neighbors, but it is highly UNLIKELY that he'd show... he's probably off at some snowy mountain. In the end though, it doesn't really make a difference. He'd be there. We'd say hi. End of story. I'll let you know on Monday.


Hopefully my friend (who's name will remain anonymous) won't mind that I'm sharing this sweet little line - SORRY IN ADVANCE, C'MON I'M IMPOSSIBLE TO HATE, HAHAHA!... Anyway, she's going through a tricky boy situation. To end or Not to end. There's much affection still in their undefined relationship.

And just the other day, they stood on the street corner. She rubbed her arms in hopes to warm herself up... he notices... pulls her into his warm hooded-sweatshirt arms and whispers in her ear, "please don't make me miss you."

I just thought that was an un-fucking-believeable line... I think someone should write that into their fucking film already... how totally sweet... how totally bitersweet, really. :-(


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

impossible to hate indeed. i love the way you told our little story. so sweet. so bittersweet. my heart swells and falls at the same time. love you and thank you for being such a source of laughter and support.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Jackie O. said...

that sounds like something June would say.


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