Monday, February 05, 2007

Valentine's Day

The truth about now, really is the truth about now (previous post)... people keep commenting on how they want a Valentine's date... or how again this year they don't have a Valentine's date... every time someone mentions it, I genuinely think, "wait, when's Valentines'? Is it soon?"

And then, twice now, I've been at a store thinking, "what the fuck... are they still trying to get rid of their Christmas shit?" Meaning - stores are actually selling RED items because of Valentine's Day... not RED Christmas items. I did this twice now... apparently my memory swiftly forgot that I'd thought Christmas before Valentine's again.

Perhaps it's not because I have NO boyz on the mind... but perhaps time has just passed so quickly that it's hard to switch gears from the holidazzzzze to well, now. February. February already.

Weird. In high school time seemed to go so slowly... vacation couldn't come fast enough... college couldn't come fast enough... now time is passing me by. I guess I need to slow down... but then, if I slow down, am I wasting time?




Anyway, new roommie, BFF, officially has all her stuff in our home, yeay! And let me tell you, if ever one could lead an exciting vicarious life, it's me... it's me now.

BFF's in the thick of it... and I sit back and give advice... my eyes are red from being wide-eyed as she relays all her wild stories... wild stories that play like daytime television, soap operas. Whew! People often say, "those things only happen to Miss Curious," well, I ain't got nothing on BFF... Of course BFF if you're reading this, I know it's not all the time, but it's certainly exciting for now. Stay Strong!!!


- My new Tapes N' Tapes CD
- Okkervil River, still totally into them
- Monday lunches with LaSassy
- My new set of dice and dice shaker (?) for Monday night dice games w/ the boys (totally nerdy... they got me hooked though!)


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