Friday, January 05, 2007

Couldn't Be More Random

Every time I go home, my mom and sister are always into something new. Right now, my mom’s going through a Diet Dr Pepper phase. Last time I was home, she was in the Sierra Mist phase. She’s also uber into Judge Judy, oh my god. I hope that phase passes soon because I’m tired of going home and having TiVo filled with Judge Judy episodes. My sister on the other hand is into slightly more random things. She went through a Cumin phase. I mean who gets totally into Cumin? Then she did the Garlic thing for a while… and then that disgusting Fat Free Jalapeno Cheese. Weird.

But then, I have my “things” too. Not as random as my sister, but still a phase where it’s all I want… a phase where I completely exhaust whatever it is. Right now, I’m into carrots, PowerAde, brown rice, and applesauce… and I just can’t get enough of pepper. Okay, maybe a little random.

Songs I’m into:

1. Hang Me Up to Dry – Cold War Kids (um, love love love)
2. Night On Red River – Rykarda Parasol (going to see her tonight at Café Du Nord, yeay!)
3. And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going – Jennifer Hudson, Dream Girls (totally embarrassing, but I fucking love it)
4. Lost In Time – Stellastarr (Bottom of the Hill, Feb 10th)
6. The Recluse – Cursive

Um, BIG NEWS (to me at least):

My ex-wife (ex-gay male best friend) Midge is moving back to San Francisco from New York City, um, THIS WEEKEND!!! HOLY SHIT!!! He’ll be staying at my casa for a week starting Sunday night. We seem to have resolved our differences.


Last night I had a dream… okay fine, it wasn’t a dream… it was more of a fantasy I played in my head because I have no one else to think about. Like I always say, we go back to the last person we were with or perhaps some unrequited Obsession when we have ZERO prospects. So, I thought about Obsession. I thought about saying, “C’mon, let’s end this charade… we belong together.” But then, of course, he’d never think we belong together… he never thinks of me at all. This is a fantasy after all.

And then, totally lame… 5th Paragraph drifted into my head. He had such potential. Good, really good, at “goin’ down.” Whew. Hot. Super smart. Well, maybe too smart… or maybe just smart in the ways that I’m not… like science. And I had a lot fun with him… we did fun things. He was always up for doing things. But anyway. I apparently wasn’t right for him… and perhaps, I didn’t like that his social skills weren’t as perfect as my own (hahaha! Okay, I say the wrong thing a lot… but people love them some Miss Curious, haha!)… and then, he was a bit self-absorbed and there can be only one of those in a relationship, and that’s me bitches!!! And then, I’m kicking myself because that was so long ago, and he’s probably already forgotten my name… if we ran into each other on the street, he’d probably say, “I know I know you, but I just can’t place how.” Whatever. LAME.


So, this gets a bit tough because the prospect of moving abroad (I won’t disclose details because it could totally not happen, and I don’t know) is still completely up in the air, and I won’t know for a few more weeks, but in a few more weeks I’ll have to be moved out of my house… but then, I could always sign the year lease now and find a new roommate… my rent would certainly go up, fine… and that’d be my decision, staying in San Francisco.

OR, I am going to look at a room for rent, which is in a good location (Panhandle) – with uber cheap rent… cheaper than my current rent controlled… but I’d have 2 roommates. OR, I could stuff my stuff in storage, couch hop and look for a 2 bedroom to share with Midge. This is a good option, but it will be more expensive than staying at my place and moving into some random room somewhere.

Why oh why is my housing situation always shit? Of course, in the grand scheme of things it’s a small woe… but still.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger jen said...

Judge Judy?! Oh God, that's pretty bad. You may need to stage an intervention.

I too have had a cumin phase, and am in my 3rd year of Siracha hot sauce fixation, which may prove to be a lifetime obsession.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

judge judy too shall pass...

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting about the phases. I have been in a lavender phase for the last like 3 years! I thought it would pass - but nope!
Remember seeing Cold War Kids - opening for the Editors or Band of Horses? I didn't like them at the time - but I like that one song you mentioned - lots too.
So the housing thing is just crazy! How does shit like this keep coming up???
How's Midge? I'm so glad you two are back on track. Yay for reunions :).


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