Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'd Say This is a Pretty Boring X-Mas Post

I actually had a pretty fucking rad Christmas... I got dinero for my Mountain Bike, yeay, the new Morissey cd, remastered NIN Pretty Hate Machine, champagne glasses, wine glasses, underwear, gift certificates, director Mark Romanek's dvd collection... I know you all want to know what I got... hahaha... I think I'm going to buy Tool's newest album w/ my iTunes gift certificate.

I caught up w/ my step-dad's side of the family... we installed a new family tradition of taking shots of tequila at the kids' table... of course, the kids' table is now the young adult table, but still.

Caught-up w/ a couple of high school friends... one of them has quite the list of New Year's resolutions... one being, to find what makes her smile. I thought that was pretty beautiful.

What Makes Me Smile:

- Live music, of course... and anything music related
- Foreign countries and foreign people, living abroad
- Doing things by myself
- Romance novels
- Anything film related... film fests especially
- My family
- Dancing

Housing News:

Still a big SHIT... don't know what I'm going to do, and I need to figure it out soon... and of course, the prospect of a position abroad isn't going to be determined for sometime... yeah, a "shit what am i going to do." The unknown is attractive, but drives me slightly nuts at the same time... but i do like nuts.

Getting Fucked:

I kinda' wish I could get fucked again before 4 hours leaves town... but, he's always been the reluctant party... I sometimes feel inadequate around him... like I'm truly just not good enough... obviously, that's a situation and a thought I should veer away from... and when I feel complete listening to live music or loving a film or dancing or making random friends, I wonder why for a second I would ever feel inadequate... but we all have our insecure moments.


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