Monday, August 20, 2007

Just Friends... For Now

Yesterday was a beautiful day in San Francisco.

In our attempt to remain "friends", Bam and I decided to go to Ocean Beach. I always feel like a little kid with him. In the sense that we goof off and act silly. It's one of my favorite things about him.

We of course splashed water at each other and kicked up wet sand... the usual flirtatious behavior a boy and girl would have.

After the beach, we drove to another spot and went on a mini-hike to get a better view of the Golden Gate bridge. We stood there like middle school kids shootin' the shit in the backyard of their parents' house... naturally picking up pine cones and throwing them. With him saying, "do you think I can hit that branch?"

He asked if I was glad he brought me there.

I said yes.

We then stared ahead in a peaceful silence.

We didn't discuss our relationship anymore than a general chat about how few people we know in good relationships. And then, we laughed about how shitty we both are at relationships. No rehashing of things - just making fun of ourselves for over-analyzing and having bumps over nothing.

He drove me home. We proceeded to have staring contests in his car until I told him to get out of the car and give me a proper hug good-bye.

It was a lingering hug.

We then shook hands, and he started a thumb war. My midget thumbs were no match for his man hands.

I told him I'd run upstairs and grab his sweatshirt. He told me not to because he knows he'll be seeing me again soon. I smiled.

We hugged again.

He picked his nose and wiped it on me.

I picked my nose, held it out, and told him to eat it. He did.

We hugged again. I almost kissed him. He pulled back. I'm glad he did.

He emailed me this morning telling me what a nice time he had. I felt the same way.

This is the start of a new friendship. And who knows where it may lead.


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