Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Too Late Date...

Sooo, on occasion I get messages from MySpace punks, who typically say "hi, let's chat." Those folks, I ignore... someone who writes more than 3 words, I'll actually entertain the thought by checking out their profile... On Monday, a guy from MySpace (let's call him Jesus), emailed with not just 3 words, but over 3 sentences. I can't even recall what they were, but I checked out his profile... this is how it began:

"Rather than put something cynical or sarcastic in here (like I want to) i will sort of tell you the truth. I am sort of like Jesus. I am that awesome. "

I'm quite fond of arrogance, so I was immediately intrigued. We've emailed back and forth a couple of times and have decided to hang out tomorrow night. He's somewhat new to the area, so he's looking for new "friends," so I've oh, you know, sort of invited Green Eyes to come along... I'm calling him tonight to feel out the situation before confirming with her... but I hope it all works as these things make me frighteningly nervous.... and who knows maybe she'll like him and he'll like her... or maybe we'll all have just met new friends and that'll be that.

Hmmm. I hope he's good on the phone... hmm.

But anyway, stay tuned for updates!


At 9:46 AM, Blogger kellyd said...

My boss recently asked me if I have a lot of long distance friendships and I said "I guess so, why?" Then she said I "give good phone." Whatever that means ... I hope Jesus gives good phone, too.

PS Why is it too late?


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