Monday, June 26, 2006

5th Paragraph Comes Out Ahead!!!

(see last post for reference)

In the end I emailed curly fries, rolled down windows, and 5th paragraph… the only one who didn’t ask for my number and picture and instant message handle and want everything right this very minute was 5th paragraph. He was completely chill about everything… He’s also the only one out of over 40 responses that addressed the 5th paragraph… I’d post all of our emails if they weren’t as long as they are. He has this style of writing that is simplistic and cute – that reveals his erudition… he writes these little details that are charming and deliberate.

Unfortunately, I can’t communicate his subtle grace through my snippets below… Take from these what you will:

Email Subject: I wasn’t even stoned…

when i read your post. but then i figured i'd better fix that before sending out a reply. it was really your 5th paragraph that caught my attention. i guess i, too, have felt lonely **sounds like boo-hoo misscurious, so i love it** standing in a crowd of good friends. that's really when i decided to pack this bowl and write you...

plus, i have a soft spot for anyone who ever wished there was a great show going on monday night **another show addict - he's the only one that addressed my comment on wishing there were show that night**. ever since jazz mafia tuesdays died out for the 2nd time (bruno's was better but 12 galaxies is within skating **i love me some skaters! really** distance at least), i have not spent enough mornings hung over at work, promising half-heartedly to stop thinking 4 hours of sleep will be enough.

anyway, i'm 28 and work as an engineer (note that i did not say "i am an" **love that**, that is for a reason).

He never emails back right-away, which I love... that's right, make me wait... and it's sad that that statement is actually true... give me a challenge bitch! At this time, we have now exchanged telephone numbers... he called saturday, i was at Radiohead... I called last night... he wasn't around... and we still haven't spoken... I'm actually a little excited to talk to him. Hmmmm. I wonder how he'll be on the phone?!?! Will he be able to keep up with my ceaseless sarcastic comments!?!?!

Time will tell!


At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a catch! much more worthwhile than bad breakup.


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