Friday, September 08, 2006


Things to do on a Thursday Night:

- Terrorize some people on an E-Harmony Date (i wonder how their date ended, hmm)
- Have friend show you her nipples
- Watch friend give a stranger a lap dance
- Discuss sucking cock and licking asshole (trite, I know)
- Bump into your serendipity friend for the 6th time
- Pretend like you don’t know a guy you know
- Try to unzip a sweatshirt that doesn’t have zippers
- Go to sleep

5th Paragraph:

Okay, we’re slamming the door this time. I thought we could be friends (we pretty much love doing the same things), but apparently, him asking me to hang out is okay – and me asking him, “freaks him out!” The email I sent him asked questions that illicit a response. He has not replied. It’s annoying and rude. This time, I will not respond to any random texts or emails or calls I get from him. I don’t want any kind of friendship that is solely based upon one person’s time. So, there is absolutely no point to maintain contact. Bah-bye, again. Oh silly Miss Curious... she's just trouble.

Here. In My Head:

Post-vacation blues (and i mean BLUE... like long face BLUE)... watching my co-workers get wasted last night and getting three-quarters of the way there myself did help... but loneliness is creeping back in... ergh. Fuck.

Debating grad school... never ever thought this would be the case. Can anyone guess for what I'd go? If anyone's applied and/or gone, any tips? how long did you study for the GRE? I don't keep in touch with any of my professor, gsi's, etc... how the fuck do people get letters of rec from the academia world if they've been out of it for 6 years and haven't kept any contact info?


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Krikri said...

I wanna hear about the e-harmony terrorization. Details, please!!!

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Ambee said...

I told you about the LSAT - but as for letters of rec, you can use your current bosses -and then try to get one from school. I had to do it too and I didn't think he'd really remember me, but he claimed he did and I told him about who I was now, and he wrote something. I was even able to do it all over e-mail and as akward as it seemed to ask someone I hadn't seen in 5 years to write a rec for me, he made me feel like it was totally normal.

I think going back to school would be so awesome and what you want to study would be perfect for you - just remember that it does change your free time and your expenses for a bit - its a sacrifice after having worked a regular, decent paying job. But I think its worth it.

Maybe this time around you'll read the books all the way through. I'm doing that now and its a new approach for me!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger kellyd said...

Yeah, grad school. What a trip. If you wanna come to University of Chicago - prepare your ass for math camp. It's a bummer. Who ever thought I'd need to know about implicit differentiation. It's sad I even know what that is.


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