Monday, September 11, 2006

No Courtesy Back From The Courtesy Flush

Well, well, well... that fucking "time of the month" came oh, 2 weeks early... motherfucker! But, I can certainly attribute the BLUES to that surprise. The mood is definitely breaking.

With that "time of the month," comes the "diarrhea of the month"... eh, I've been in the bathroom half the day... I've had this awful gas too, so when I was doing a courtesy flush (slash) noise inhibitor (that is, masking those clamorous farts), that industrial work toilet of ours splashed back up at me. I hate when that happens... I know what was in that toilet ('cuz it was my own creation), and it wasn't pretty... and then, there it is, my unpretty, splashing back up onto my ass and thighs. That my friends, is the problem with the courtesy flush. Ergh!

This weekend was the definition of MELLOW. I hung out with friends - SHOUT OUT TO MBA-A and BFF. The MELLOW factor had a lot to do with the fact that I smoked everyday. I'm starting to realize that I may smoke waaaaay too much MJ. For now, however, I'm still okay with it. Once I see it becoming a big problem (or bigger problem, hahaha!), I'll have to take a break for a bit. But, I know myself, and I know I'm still cool... I have my eye on it though... hahaha! It's just that Bob Marley and I are completely on the same wave length, "Everything's gonna' be all right..." Everything's so fucking happy.


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