Thursday, May 11, 2006

Got Worked.

Oh my god, today has been an insane day at work. In my experience with the couple of agents with whom I've worked, a buyer has never not gotten her home. There have certainly been extension fees, but never the real prospect of them losing the home.

Today, I feel sick to my stomach. I have been working on one file today. My boss has been driving all over San Francisco and the East Bay trying to get last minute documents signed. There are so many people involved in buying and selling homes and countless papers.

Here we have these people who fall in love with a home and are so excited. And now, these people might not get it. I'd sooooooooo hate for that to happen. They are so wonderful and because of these small logistical errors - my bad to point fingers, but not my logistical errors, not mine at all - they may be devastated. All day I've been trying to clean up a mess made by others. It could be all for naught. It could all fall apart tomorrow morning.

I take this so seriously. I wish I could do everything myself. I wish I could see all the papers and check every last detail... all myself. I never knew I was such a control freak. Wow.

Yes, wow. I moved fucking mountains today and because of these logistical errors all my work could be for nothing. Eh. Ew. Fuck.

I know I won't sleep tonight.


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