Today two people in my office had birthdays… for birthdays we usually get them cakes from, hm, where??!?!…the restaurant next door where my latest crush so conveniently works. The owner of the company (you’d never know he makes a million or so a year), let’s call him Bob because that’s his name, his partner (boyfriend) Orlando, and I were discussing who should pick up the cake.
Miss Curious, “oh, I’ll go pick up the cake… a guy I think is cute works there.”
Wide-eyed Bob replies, “oh, really… well, I’ve had a crush on a guy there forever,” (reminder: his boyfriend is in on this conversation)
“He’s probably not the same guy… my guy’s straight, and I don’t think he’s your type.”
Bob begins to describe him.
Miss Curious, pulling the band flyer The Brother gave her last week out of her drawer, “is it this guy?!?!” pointing to his photo.
“My goodness, yes, that is him… I love him,” Bob retorts as he purses his lips to snub his competition.
“Well Bob, remember yesterday when you drew a face on that Green-Bristled Broom and went office to office saying, ‘hey look it’s Miss Curious and her new hair!’… yeah Bob, payback’s a bitch because this guy apparently has had a crush on me!!!!” Miss Curious so curiously chuckles.
“Fine… it looks like none of us will be going to get cake,” Bob pouts.
Moments later as I’m busily working at my desk, Bob’s partner Orlando notices, “hey, where’s Bob… I bet he’s at the restaurant without us!”
Miss Curious, “No way, he wouldn’t have gone without us!”
Orlando, “Let’s just go check.”
I eagerly follow, and low and behold, who’s there talking to The Brother?!?! Yup, Bob. Orlando and I burst into laughter… cackles rather.
The Brother then engages me in conversation, “Did you have a good weekend? Well, I guess it’s Wednesday now,” he laughs.
Light-hearted banter ensues with an audience of Bob and Orlando. Bob leaves, Orlando stays to watch me act girly and fumble over my words telling him I’m boring and watch a ton of movies. Orland finally decides to head out with the Cake we had to get, so it looked as though we went there for a reason.
Miss Curious, “okay, well, bye,” I mutter to The Brother.
He replies, “Since we’re both movie buffs…”
“Is this where you segue into getting my number?” Miss Curious interrupts.
Grinning that upper-teeth smile, “yup,” he gets out a pen and paper, and Miss Curious gives him her number.
Sooooooooo, here we are… so much for laying low. Hopefully, he’ll call soon!