Ahh, Sigh. Upper teeth smile. I could definitely kiss those lips. We shook hands, walked into the bar, and ordered our drinks. Once outside, I was much attracted to the fact that he didn’t do the,
“oh geez, where should we sit.” He took charge, and we sat on the same side of the bench.
The conversation was easy. He looked me in the eyes. He has nice eyes. Neither of us fuck around, so we threw back the beers. I wasn’t sure if he was interested in me, so I tried tuning into subtle hints of attraction. I’ve read that if guys go out of their way to touch you – just a little touch like leaning into you and touching your arm – it's a sign of their attraction to you. When he got up to get more drinks or to get food, he’d put his hand on my arm or shoulder and tell me that he’d be right back. Hmm.
We then got stoned and moved on to another bar.
There, we sat closely on bar stools. I decided that I’d pull back a moment and see if he’d inch toward me. He did. He then started grabbing onto my sweatshirt. I touched him back.
And like any first date cliché, we met eyes and went in for the kiss. It was a soft, slightly parted lip kiss. No tongue. I wanted to kiss more, but we were at a bar. After confirming both our interests, he then grabbed my hands and used his fingertips to lightly touch them and the inside of my wrists.
The bar was closing soon, and he said,
“I really don’t want to go home yet. Would it be bad if I asked to follow you home?” He had the sweetest look on his face… he looked so worried that I’d say no.
In my inebriated state, I chuckled and replied,
“I think that’d be alright as long as you know that nothing other than smoking a bowl could happen.” He said no worries that he just wanted to keep hanging out. (yeah, right)
We got to my house and smoked that bowl. We then went through the songs on my iPod. One thing lead to another and our lips were locked. BUT BUT BUT, what happens when you smoke good weed?!?! COTTON MOUTH. I had ZERO spit… so I can definitely say I was not the best of kissers. Eh.
Soon we moved to the bed. Shirts came off. Pants stayed on. He then pulled a spontaneous massage… oh my god…
spontaneous massages mean he’s a pleaser. Totally
HOT! He’s good with his hands. He knows where to touch.
I tried to gauge the size of his cock, so my hand found its way over his crotch. I’m not certain what it’s like, but I think it’s a good size. Very good size. Thick. Again, Totally
It was late. We were drunk and high, so the making out didn’t last very long. We crashed. He’s a cuddler, so I didn’t get much sleep. Hm.
What We Know About 5th Paragraph:
He’s much smarter than I am
Works as an engineer
Went to a much better school than I did
His favorite female artist is Tori Amos
(oh my god, yeay!!!)
He went to the last Nine Inch Nails show
(oh my god, yeay!!!)
He’s sooo into live music and smoking during shows
He has uber soft lips
He’s pretty fucking badass, but I won’t be devastated if he doesn’t call. It’s a rad place to be… to not be freaking out and thinking of every reason this can’t work – in traditional Miss Curious style. Of course, I did the,
“well, if I don’t mind if he doesn’t call, am I really interested?” But then I realized it was more knowing that I’ll be cool on my own, and there will be others. So who knows… I believe he’s now back from vacation, and I hope the momentum hasn’t been lost…… we shall see.