Poor Tricked You
I should feel totally bad about posting Tricked You's every word on this Blog... but really, who the fuck cares... the post below has been our meaningless sarcastic back and forth nothingness that makes me look worse than him... and again, who the fuck cares... Grandpa Frank wouldn't. But anyway, this banter leads to one road -- an interesting blog post.
Miss Curious: (this was my trick)
hey lynz, check out this guy's profile... he uses my favorite word RAD... and says he's awesome (oh wait, that means he probably isn't?)... you could cajole him into dinner and when he says he takes tae kwon do, you can ask him about karate all night... "let's get back to karate..." girl, stop beatin' around the bush and get yo'self a date already :) hahaha. let me know what you think.
Tricked You:
I think it's cute that you tried to forward me to your friend but accidentally emailed me instead. That means we should fuck. (most people would be turned off that he immediately brought “fuck” into the equation… I love it… previous emails did not disclose his use of “fuck”… but there it is… verbatim)
No, it's ok. I'm already smacking my knuckles with a ruler.
Miss Curious (pretending like I didn’t totally trick him):
i never cease to amaze myself with how fucking brilliant i am.... if smacking your knuckles with a ruler satisfies you just as much as fucking a chick, then you've certainly been missing out. and hm... i'm not sure that you could keep up with me anyway... i'm a little terror. question -- what does that ruler tell you about your size? hahaha! and how many women have measured it? :) when you're not karate chopping your friends, what do you do with yourself?
Tricked You:
The ruler tells me 2 inches. ...of THUNDER!!!! (seriously though, when guys start talking about how small their dicks are, it usually means their dick is small... the humor / jokes / blah - blah -blah is their little defense mechanism they developed because of small-cock insecurities)
Miss Curious:
wow, you really are awesome! are you one of those guys who names his "thunder" and has conversations with it on the bus?
Tricked You:
Yes, I named it "Spike." I don't take the bus. That's for homeless people and retards. Oh, uhh, you don't take the bus do you? When you say you're a "little terror," what does that mean exactly?
Miss Curious:
"spike" - oooh aaah, enticing... i'm sure girls want to just sit right on that.
i was waiting for the bus this one afternoon, and saw this guy with a grungy little shirt and cute old skool shoes... he then approached these girls in front of me, and i thought - hm, he's totally hitting on those chicks.... i put my music on pause, so i could hear what he was saying --- oh, he's asking them for change.
moral of the story - i hate when i check out homeless people. so to answer your question, yes, i do take the bus, and i'm not homeless (just think they're way hot, apparently); therefore, i must fall into theeee "retarded" category.
by "little terror" i mean a lot things... i typically eat men alive - in every sense of the word.... i'm not just a person - i'm a totally RAD experience... no one's ever been the same after they meet me because i'm just such a fucking rockstar.... you can't help but love me -- (another "in every sense of the word") (PLEASE RE-READ THIS PARAGRAPH AND INSERT HEAVY SARCASTIC TONE)
you may be AWESOME, but i'm like, SUPER AWESOME... i don't know dude, i was just born that way... you know, GREAT.
Tricked You:
Listen, you can't just one-up me by adding a "super" in front of my title and claiming it as your own. Everyone knows that I really am the best person on MySpace. Everyone. Granted, it sounds like you can *maybe* ride a 2-inch DONG better than I can but that doesn't make you the best person on MySpace. On the other hand, *having* a 2-inch dong that can make the night sky light up as if it were day is another story.
Remember this.
By the way, don't worry about checking out the homeless dude. It happens all the time with gals too. There's a fine line between "skinny punk chick" hot and "I fuck anyone who will give me crack" hot. A FINE line.
Miss Curious:
strange, i can't remember when a 2-inch dong was something to brag about - even if it lights up the night sky... i suppose when you don't really have anything else to earn the AWESOME title, it's all you can hold onto (well, with your pinky at most).
and "super" is just a word, my friend, just a word... i live SUPER AWESOME... i embody SUPER AWESOME... i just am simply - perfectly SUPER AWESOME. you're almost holding your own w/ me... not too shabby. what does JP stand for?
work is so slow right now - i should google 'whether anyone has truly died of boredom'... that's why my messages to you are getting longer and longer :).... preventative measures... ensure i don't die during the holidays because work has come to a complete stop.
Miss Curious:
are you suddenly intimidated by my super-ness? :) do anything fun and exciting for tanx-giving?
Tricked You:
Thanksgiving was the bestest. I got together with 7 other transplant friends and started drinking at 7am! Not really 7 but it was pretty early. Had a great dinner and then went for some karaoke. I was the best performer of course.
And you?
So this is where we've left off... this doesn't seem to be leading to anything... and that's actually what I want right now (per yesterday's post - and consistency in thoughts today as well)